Protection Tomorrow May 2021 | Page 20


The new home of everything protection related

As we hope you are now aware , SimplyProtect has been steadily evolving over recent months to become so much more than just an enhanced payment path .
Having spoken with a number of firms and listened to feedback from a broad cross section of advisers , we have designed this hub to meet the needs and requirements expressed as key supporting elements which both parties feel will provide solid assistance in meeting the need for consumers to have better access to protection advice , and therefore hold right products for their and their families future security .
The SimplyProtect Hub now provides extensive protection focussed resources , it links to other areas , such as a highly developed protection events calendar , where all areas have been designed to support your personal and professional development as well as increasing your product understanding and ultimately your business growth . Our aim is to support you in the growth of your client facing protection proposition whether you are already well experienced in this area , all the way through to support for those who are just starting out .
As we continue to navigate an unchartered landscape , protection has become a key element of many adviser-client conversations , so there is no better time to ensure you are best placed to be able to answer your client queries regarding existing cover and offer essential advice for those seeking to support their families .
SimplyProtect may have evolved but it still offers you access to several leading protection providers , each offering enhanced terms and support – however , now , you can access so much more ...
This includes :
Provider Partners
Protection Contacts & Services
Research & Technology
Compliant Support Documents
Access the key information you need relating to the provider partners , including rates , underwriting and health conditions .
Want to talk to someone ? Find all the relevant numbers for providers and key support provided within SimplyBiz .
Free up your time when finding the right solution for your clients by harnessing sourcing systems , comparison tools and calculators .
Ensuring your advice meets the expected requirements is essential , so why not use that valuable information to support your business growth .